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Sage Payroll (Micropay)
Status We're Taking A Look At This
Categories User Experience
Created by Guest
Created on Nov 23, 2023

Gross to Net Payroll for ALL employees for specific date range

I am preparing a report for an audit that requires summary details of all employees showing gross pay, deductions and net pay. It's for a comparison to Revenue payments. This is required every year.

At the moment this requires running 57 separate reports from Sage to get the numbers - one set for monthly paid employees x each month, and one set for bi-weekly paid employees x pay week. These are downloaded from Sage into separate excel sheets, then the excels have to be combined to make a summary - I'm just glad we only have 3 employees !

The room for error is huge with all of the cutting/copying/pasting and it would be really useful if Sage could generate a report payroll summary for specific time periods: date - date either by employee pay-run type (monthly, bi-weekly) or for ALL employees on one report.

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  • Guest
    Dec 6, 2023

    You can also run a Company Gross to Nett (held within Payroll Reports -> Company tab) that retrieves employee payment details for multiple payrolls into one report (as long as the payrolls all share the same tax registration number). This Company Gross To Nett report can also be filtered to display values for a single period, multiple periods and even values across multiple tax years.

  • Guest
    Dec 1, 2023

    Hi, If you run the Gross to Nett report from within the Payroll Reports area of Sage Payroll it will allow you to generate employee payment details for a range of pay periods and even across multiple tax years. Please see this guide for more information on how to do this -